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Hindi-English > शब्द बदलकर कर नया शब्द बनाना

शब्द बदलकर कर नया शब्द बनाना in English

pronunciation: [ shabda badalakar kar naya shabda banana ]  sound:  
शब्द    noise Word tone Logos tongue language vocable
कर    toll hand cess imposition dues keelage proboscis
नया    novitiate newly New break through fresh nascent
नया शब्द    new word
शब्द    noise Word tone Logos tongue language vocable
शब्द बनाना    spell
बनाना    extrinsic evidence fabrication neutralise

What is the meaning of शब्द बदलकर कर नया शब्द बनाना in English and how to say shabda badalakar kar naya shabda banana in English? शब्द बदलकर कर नया शब्द बनाना English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.